\( \definecolor{colordef}{RGB}{249,49,84} \definecolor{colorprop}{RGB}{18,102,241} \)
You have \(\dollar 50\,000\) to invest for 30 years and there are 2 possible options you have been offered:
  • Option 1: Invest at \(10 \pourcent\) p.a. simple interest.
  • Option 2: Invest at \(9 \pourcent\) p.a. compound interest.
! e \(\pi\) ( ) % AC sin cos tan 7 8 9 / \(\sin^{-1}\) \(\cos^{-1}\) \(\tan^{-1}\) 4 5 6 * \(x^2\) \(\sqrt{\phantom{2}}\) xy 1 2 3 - ln exp log 0 . = +
  • Calculate the amount accumulated at the end of the 30 years for option 1 (round to the nearest integer):
  • Calculate the amount accumulated at the end of the 30 years for option 2 (round to the nearest integer):
  • Decide which option to take.